Open Meeting : Women*’s Strike 2021
Women*, care work and COVID-19 Are you interested in the Women's Strike* 2021? Then take part in JIF’s first open meeting and find out more.As a precautionary measure, we have chosen to use the Zoom...
Strajk Kobiet
Solidarité avec les activistes pour le choix en Pologne ! Le 22 octobre 2020, la Cour constitutionnelle de Pologne a jugé que les avortements pour anomalies fœtales étaient en violation de la...
“We are the granddaughters of the witches you couldn’t burn”
For years now, the feminist movement has been recuperating the concept of the witch as a statement of strength and empowerment.
Take Back the Night
Towards an egalitarian policy of the public space “Take back the night” or "Reclaim the night" campaigns first took place in the 1960s in Belgium and England, denouncing the fear felt by women when...
Corona and the Crisis
The emergence of the coronavirus has set off many discussions about our modes of living and where we want to go from here. This crisis is one that has hit us promptly — so will we learn from it and...
Die Frauen afrikanischer Abstammung angesichts von Covid-19
Die Pandemie Covid-19 hat weltweit zu Einschränkungen der ökonomischen und gesellschaftlichen Aktivitäten geführt. « Wir sind alle im gleichen Boot » behaupten manche, da weder die...